Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Looking to exhale!

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter
Now that President Clinton is attempting to set the record straight and creating one flap after another my esteemed fellow Ranter Wild Bill has a picture to share with us all.

First, I always loved the military word, Flap. I had a Captain who would storm into the office every day asking the first grunt he saw if there were any flaps. Of course, we always lied telling him some General had called refusing to give his name and he would spend the rest of his day ordering his clerk to locate the unknown officer. We finally felt so sorry for the poor clerk that we took him out and got him drunk letting him in on the secret. Suffice to say that General often called after that. I am sure to this day that Captain is trying to figure out whom that person was.

Back to Bill and Hill, as you can well see by the photo this was in his get a draft deferment and not inhaling days of his youth. Let me say something here, look at that smile on Billy Boy, he just either had a quickie with another female student or was still holding his breath from not inhaling. Either that or he was attempting to define the word sex as he had asked Congress to do during his impeachment proceedings.


Wild Bill said...

Every time I see this pic of Slick, I thank of ODDBALL, in the movie "Kelly's Heroes" .. I keep expectin him to go "woof woof woof" like Donald Sutherland did..

I just wonder if Jeraldo is ever gonna get around to openin that closet(tomb) of theirs that has been hidden for so many years ..

The Old Ranter said...

ODDBALL! That's it. It was driving me nuts when was cleaning that phot up a bit in Photoshop. I kept looking at Bill thinking he reminded me of somone. WOOF-WOOF-WOOF.. Great.