Monday, October 23, 2006

Are they ready?

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

I do not know if giving the Iraqi government a timetable to take over security of their country is going to work, or for that matter if it is even a good idea. First, the question must be answered, can they effectively manage their own security and assure the common welfare of the people while insuring the sanctity of their government.

At this point in time, the answer to the question would be a resounding no, because daily, government officials meet their fate at the hands of gunmen and as recently as three days ago Shiite Muslim militias took over a city and yes it was taken back, but where were the Iraq security forces when this happened.

Do not misunderstand me, I feel the Iraqi government, police and military have made quantum leaps from their initial inception, but the question remains, are they prepared to take over without the aid of the United States military and right now that aspect does not look too good.

President Bush has often stated that America is in Iraq for the long haul and we need to stick to that and add assuring the common welfare of the Iraqi people. Granted, we are not doing a great job at this if one reads the daily death toll from Iraq and we need to do more to assure their safety.

When we entered Iraq, we assumed more responsibility then removing Saddam from power. We assumed the safety of the people and we need to insure that factor is satisfied. Violence, explosions, death and destruction has become a fact of daily living in Iraq and we need to do more to put additional security forces on the street.

This often reminds me of Viet Nam in the sense of taking territory then turning it over the local government and having to come in and retake the same ground three months later, in other words wasting human lives for the same thing over and over. We need to insure the Iraqi people are safe and this means turning our dogs of war loose and allowing them to do what we have trained them to do, go to war.

We need to remove the insurgents from their hiding nest and destroy their will to fight. We have the most awesome military machine in the world and we need to use these resources to get the job done once and for all. Then and only then can we entertain the concept of a timetable and when we do, it just might work.


Wild Bill said...

There is a big problem with Iraq, Ranter.. The people dont want to do nothin to help themselves.. Its like a whole gotdam country full of people from Nawlins !! They expect everybody else to do thangs for em..

If you dont push or jab the sunzabitches with a stick, they aint gonna get shit done.. Just like a large portion of the welfare crowd and the liberals here in the U.S., they want to whine and piss-and-moan till the U.S. Gov. comes to take their hand and do for em what they want done, how they want it, and they wanted it done YESTERDAY !!

Look at South Afrika or Zimbabwe.. Or Paris or London, for that matter !! Wherever those booger-eattin-mohrons go, they are gonna steal, kill, and tear shit up and expect somebody else to fix it for em, while they still expect to be able to steal, kill, and tear shit up..

Even when they do get money, they give it to some cleric to build a Gold-Domed Mosque or give it to some militia leader to buy a bunch of weapons so they can go steal more shit from somebody else !!

For Christ's sake, this was THE GARDEN OF EDEN when the Christians were there !! Now look what they have done to it..

The Old Ranter said...

I was not even going to go there, glad you did. Wild Bill, this just stinks of our war and every vet knows it. Same drap, different time.

Now I read they are having problems getting people to even sign up over there. Why should they, we do their fight for them and we do their die too. Yes, they die in bombs, but if they were warriors it just might make a difference.