Saturday, November 11, 2006

Arizona has the answer

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

The illegal immigration issue has long been the bastard step-child of the U.S. Government. It has constantly amazed some of my friends who visit my little place on the web that here we sit, illegal’s crossing our borders in record numbers and we read of the constant hand-wringing taking place in Washington while they ponder new and improved legislation to deal with this growing problem.

Yet, as my brother in ranting, Wild Bill has pointed out; we already have effective illegal immigration laws on the books. The sad side to this comment is that the majority of them have been around a lot longer than most of this same band of Washington’s elite presently sitting on bar stools and staring into nothingness while they try to figure out how to handle this issue.

It is difficult for politicians to enforce anything that deals with illegal immigration issues because they are terrified. Not of the media, or the voters, but that the tree hugging, save the whale while chained to a tree crowd will take time away from their busy days filled with saving the planet and chasing Eskimos away from killing seals and feeding their family and take a look at the human rights issues of Mexico. Then all proverbial hell will break loose when these same remnants from the hippy revelation actively searching for causes to protest for begin to go after those who are trying to enforce anything.

I just read that the citizens of Arizona are fed up with the whole process. They have taken matters into their own hands and voted on four key issues dealing with the illegal immigration issue. One that is sure to send a message to the hippy. Save the world culture is the English only law they passed by a wide margin of votes.

I for one am tired of the whole illegal issue and the language issue is only worse. I am tired of calling a utility company and some recording tells me to press one for English, otherwise it is in Spanish. I should be told to press one for Spanish and the default is English. The reasoning behind this is simple; English is our language, nothing more.

I am sure the brave voters of Arizona will only be ticked off worse once the ACLU gets their slimy hands on the laws and has them turned over in the Supreme Court. They should be used to this by now, the ACLU has done this before, but the people are determined to send a message.

We will just have to wait and see what happens. Whatever transpires the people of Arizona has sent a message to Washington that they are tired of the whole thing.

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