Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm back...

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

Greetings to all, I have been absent for the past week. I was in the hospital for that period of time and without a laptop, I might add, that sure made it quite boring.

My lungs needed a tune up, at least that is what every Doctor kept informing me, I did not quite understand if I needed an oil change, blew a head gasket, or what, but in any case I am doing better. They checked out the heart and all that and said other than being pretty ticked off over the elections, I was fine and dandy.

The elections, well I guess most of us saw the handwriting on the wall for that one, all except the people that counted. Now we have powers that be that should have no power. Oh my, back to the hospital where the food is fair, the drugs are good and sleeping is a joke.

In all seriousness, I wanted to explain my absence and tell everyone that I am alive and well.

Let’s get back to basics. Wild Bill, catch me up to date on all that I have missed these five days. Fill my mailbox, send me jokes and get me back in gear.


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