Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We are there and we are with you brothers and sisters.

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

As an American citizen and a veteran who served my country proudly during the last undeclared war I read through the media feeds, intelligence briefings and various analysts reports every chance I can manage. Throughout the course of time that our great country has been involved within a war that some politicians are now referring to as a quagmire, one thing has constantly struck me and inspired me.

That is the depth of the professionalism, spirit and inner strength of our American military. They are not downcast or disheartened, on the contrary, they are professional men and women doing the best possible job they can for a country comprised of politicians who often do not even support them even when they themselves served during the time of my generation.

Some of these politicians and the blessed aspect to this is they are few and far in between, but this few, this callous and ill mannered few have stooped as low as to call their own brothers and sisters, of whom they once shared their professionalism and glory, murderers, child murderers and worse. A few of these individuals would not be capable or honorable enough in today’s military to even make a difference, yet they base their political career on past glories, medals of valor and time served in their war.

Today and in past elections these few have went as far as to cast suspicions upon the same brave souls they once fought side by side with, testified before a Congressional committee wearing fatigues and combat ribbons. They have done this while proudly displaying a Combat Infantrymen’s Badge, the one medal that actually means something to a soldier above the chain of medals to show they not only served, but also faced the elephant head on and survived to talk another day.

The media, ever watchful for that one cup of dirt to stir in our morning coffee, that one ounce of spoiled meat to feed us at night, that one story controversial enough to show the entire world how bad our military is waits by these people like a vulture stalking his evening dinner. Too lazy to kill their own food, they circle awaiting the final death toll of our military so they can tear the meat apart and fill their bellies with Pulitzer prizes, accolades and speaking engagements. They have stooped to the depths of hell and these sycophants of society feel they have honor, when in truth they are simply a vulture, too lazy to fend for themselves, feeding off others misery and suffering.

The men and women of today’s military once again face the same landslide of public outcry that our war once faced. They face prison if the wrong individuals are wounded are killed. They face worse from the people in their own country if they become a casualty of war and meet death head on. They are buried with full military honors while their loved ones grieve and mourn, all the while the distinct possibility of individuals from a church, a church of God stand by calling them names and wishing them a good journey to Hell.

Yet, through all of the political outcry and adversity, they continue to serves their country proudly, they continue to serve their brothers and sisters with honor and they know deep within their hearts they are fighting for the freedom of others. They do this as American military, proudly wearing Old Glory on their sleeve, even more proudly facing an enemy whose only intent is to murder them, behead them, not take prisoners, that is not in their plan, this enemy knows only death and destruction. They know only winning through cowardice actions and murdering and maiming in any way possible.

I am proud to call these individuals brothers and sisters, for that is what all American military are under the skin, related by honor, tested by battle and living to pursue life. Granted, there are those of us who served still scarred, wounds showing to the world and deeper wounds hiding within our souls, but we have a love for these brave souls that cannot ever be called into question. Because we were once one of these few and proud, our true band of brothers and sisters and we carried our honor with us, even through the adversity of our nation and the media.

These men and women, this small and significant part of our country’s future will one day make their difference in the world and perhaps even join in the dishonored game of politics and turn it into honor and pride as it once was. The one thing we can all safely rely on from this is that they will do so with honor and the professional spirit they now have. They are our future and right now, they are in harm’s way. We must support them, pray for them and shed a tear with each death. We must do this now or this country, this great mass of people that once faced other nations with honor and determination to be free will have truly lost our way.

I pray it is not too late and they we find the truth in the actions and honor of our brave military

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