Friday, November 03, 2006

Life is good, maybe he will open his mouth again

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

Yesterday, like most others I watched the news services with interest attempting to keep up with the ever-growing and mutating monster called, politics. One of my favorite “things to do” on a rainy day, bored day, could care less day, or the dreaded, damn I did not want to get out of bed day is sit back and enjoy the fallouts from a political misspeak or joke gone wrong.

Robin Williams would have field days from days like this; he would riff off every line spoken and create dialog to fill libraries. We mere mortals can sit back and enjoy too and that is exactly what I have been doing for two days now.

My immense personal dislike for Kerry normally went unnoticed in life; people could care less and want to get involved even to a lesser degree. However, that was then, this is now and my “I hate Kerry” module located inside of my brain that had been installed when Kerry attempted to lie about calling his brothers baby-killers before Congress has more feed than it can ever handle. Hell, even the Democrats are angry with their own favorite son.

Life is good sometimes and we just need to ride those moments until that one has ended and enjoying every moment. I hope Kerry does it again; the novelty is wearing thin on the last one.

1 comment:

Wild Bill said...

I dont know how much more of John Kerry I can stand, Ranter.. Every time he does this it tears another piece of my heart out.. I just want him to go away.. FAR AWAY !!