Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It will be a long road of insecurity.

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

When I was a small young man growing up in America, I was fortunate enough to gain a vast knowledge and understanding of society. I was raised in a racially mixed neighborhood and because of it was a bit sheltered from what was going on in the real world. Not until my later years did I truly realize that society had decided to create problems with the total picture of races. I was shocked, bewildered and did not quite know how to respond to many situations I was presented with.

I made a decision that to me, there was no difference, we were all created equal and if it was good enough for God then it was darn good enough for me. I remained true to that dictum throughout life and at least my opinion; I am a better person for it.

Which brings me to my comments today, I read that former Seinfeld Star, Michael Richards, who played Kramer lost his cool, so to speak during a comedy performance. Not only lost it, he threw it out of the window, probably never to see the light of day again.

According to the article, when heckled by an African American member of the audience, Richards retaliated with a fit of “N” words that would make anyone angry in today’s society. Then today, I read that Jerry Seinfeld himself decided to take matters in hand and attempt to put this whole sorry mess behind them in a split video feed on Letterman. Richards sits there telling the world how sorry, how bad he feels, oh bad-bad me, I am a heel and the world is supposed to rejoice. Another man saved and redeemed, praise the stars. Bull! Once a racist, always racists.

Which is a nice segue into my next comment, racial profiling. I have stated on multiple occasions that we are in a war against a fringe sect of a religion, one that celebrates martyrs and the death of infidels. Herein lays the problem. How can we separate this fringe of society from the true religion? We cannot, this is an impossibility of the highest degree. Yet, daily the media is filled with comments pertaining to the practice of racial profiling when applied to the Muslim community.

A case in point is this article on 6 Muslim Imams being removed from a plane, this undoubtedly occurred because a passenger became nervous when confronted with these six holy men seated together and complained or commented. Of course, due to the present state of the war and the world these holy men were removed, questioned and when everything was said and done they were sent on their way. Whether this fond farewell was accompanied by any apologies has yet to surface, but the fact remains it happened and now the media will play this to the cows come home.

After 9/11 it became quite evident that things would not be the same when it applies to flying the friendly skies. Passengers were taking self-defense classes, airline pilots were clamoring for firearms and the world had just about reached the point of insanity. I cannot discuss this without saying that I would feel the same. Yes, if I were flying and observed these six holy men seated together I would have been a bit nervous.

We were attacked and we were hurt, badly. Granted, there is that fringe of lunatics among us still stating controlled implosions, holographic images, this is nonsense. Tell that to the survivors who are mourning the loss of their loved ones as I am writing this. Tell that to the Fireman mourning their brothers, sisters, and all of the emergency workers on that fateful day. 9/11 created instant heroes and the sad commentary is we can never celebrate anyone them, simply because we do not know the stories and they are all gone, disintegrated in a cloud of jet fuel igniting in a fraction of a second, faster than the mind can even perceive.

What attacked us was not a nation, but this fringe of a religion of which I have been discussing. Does this mean that in our new way of thinking that we should never feel insecure when confronted as these passengers were? I for one would feel insecure and as I said in the beginning, I live my life under the all created equal axiom, but I would be nervous.

The people of this planet, the third rock from the sun need to wake up and smell the coffee, this is going to remain with us for a long time, we will be nervous, we will be insecure and because of the devastation on 9/11 we will remain that way for generations to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanna read scary?

Go to "barking-moonbat.com" and read the title Nightmare, Monday November 20, 2006.

click on--Go Read This Now.

In true Wild Bill tradition have the soundtrack from "Jaws" playing in the background.

possible? yes.

plausible? yes.