Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Go Popeye!

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

I am beginning to find the present political situations in Iraq bordering on a huge cosmic joke with our enemy sitting back on the sidelines laughing their collective butts off. We have al- Maliki hiding behind people because of the White House comments regarding his inability to lead Iraq. This would not be the case if he had attempted by any means available to defuse or even control somewhat the volatile situation within his own country.

One thing is evident, he is not in control, we need to be dealing with the true people that are and by that, I mean with superior firepower and ending this for the last time.

We have the most powerful, well equipped, trained and professional military standing on their soil, we need to give them the green light, the leadership needed to effectively finish the job we first undertook.

We need to look the politician’s in the eye that are presently following any media truck or reporter they see on the horizon to scream about troops coming home, going there or sending the Boy Scouts and tell them to go straight to the nearest room and stand in the corner. That is where they all truly belong to begin with, doing some form of good old-fashioned penance.

“Off to the woodshed, Mr. Senator, oh, make sure you take the large hickory switch with you, may be needing that.”

The President feels he has to play the political game now that he does not control the house. I have noticed the constant vacillation on some of the initial points cut into stone. Now, they appear to be made out of melted butter, sort of waving back and forth.

The whole situation is disgusting. We have Iran and Syria wanting to play nice, sit down at the table and bring Iraq into their flock. Oh Yes, that is really their true feelings, we can believe them, why not?

We can all tune into the cosmic comics tomorrow and see what Bluto is going to do, with any luck; Popeye just may knock his butt out.

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