Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Times may be a changing

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

It has become acutely apparent that even with the entire nice-nice and friendly pat on the backs between all the world leaders that assassinations are still of prime interest within the intelligence community. What better way for someone of the shaken not stirred crowd to put an immediate end to the proverbial running of someone’s mouth than to simply remove them. Ian Fleming would even be proud of the recent poisonings and assassinations going on within the world.

When I first read of the poisoning of Alexander V. Litvinenko, a former K.G.B. operative, that physicians are now highly cautioning the media not to play so strong because they are fed up with the telephone calls it really surprised me. This nonsense was quite big during the cold war years and one would assume that present conditions within the world would dictate that it is not too nice to try to kill an ex-spy with radioactive, poison based substance apparently placed within the sushi.

That was the one thing in this whole episode that actually struck me as funny, if not prepared properly sushi in itself can fill your colon with worms and every other parasite in the world and here we have a poison introduced to an already volatile substance passing itself off as food.

Then if this is not in itself enough to fill the void in the spy game, we have Lebanon's Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel killed by an assassin. One thing that is clear within this new modern make nice government science is that people in Lebanon can have a short life expectancy. We have to remember that there was a time that Beirut was a war zone torn apart by so many sects and countries that it was difficult to tell the players without a playbook.

Israel ran their part with the aid of the Christians, we had our operatives and just about every special operations agency in existence at that time into every place we could manage to sneak into and out of and the rest was cut apart here and there by the remaining religions of the world. Today is a different story for this country and no doubt, this killing stems from something that did nor did not take place during the recent fracas with Israel.

In any case, either this is all a very big lead in to the new James Bond film or the rules have just radically changed within the intelligence community. No more being Mr. Nice person or sending greeting cards to your counterpart in the other country as it once was. Remember, there was a time that serving within the old boy intelligence community was just about as boring as watching a fish swim on his back for six hours.

Times may be a changing and the tide is rising.

1 comment:

cary said...

WITH a playbook, you couldn't know if the guy who was shooting the same direction you were was really on your side or merely biding his time...