Monday, November 13, 2006

Where do we go from here

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

It appears that things are not quite on track in the country of Iraq. On Sunday, Iraq's Shiite prime minister promised to reshuffle his Cabinet after calling lawmakers disloyal and blaming Sunni Muslims for raging sectarian violence that claimed at least 159 more lives, including 35 men blown apart while waiting to join Iraq's police force.

U.S. troops are still being wounded and killed by snipers, IED’s and other incidents and it was reported the Bush administration is now seeking a new approach in the Iraqi war. Reports of sectarian violence are on the rise and plans of a peaceful Iraq appear to grow fainter on the horizon with the passing of each new day.

As I predicted, some news services reported that the Democrats would be calling for a full, phased withdrawal from Iraq very soon as part of their Iraq plan of action. This is the typical Democrat war plan for any military engagement, run like hell as soon as you can. The basic problem with plans such as this is we never complete the assigned task, that is not a plan, it is the worst possible solution.

Where this all leads to now that we invaded a country, removed their leadership and placed, the country into its present situation is anyone’s guess. At this point in time I really do not see anything manifesting that would make a difference in the on-going problems of Iraq, other than to leave the country in a total state of disarray should the Democrats plan of phased pull out prevail.

By now, the people of America understand that whatever specific goals we previously had for the country of Iraq are not going to be realized any time in the near future. There is too much violence among the people and we are facing insurgents on a weekly basis. The Bush administration is clearly in back-peddle mode as demonstrated by Josh Bolten, Bush's chief of staff comments while making the morning talk show rounds, "We clearly need a fresh approach" was repeated often and it appears to be a genuine call for assistance on the situation.

There have been many things said on the situation in Iraq, from not enough troops for the initial invasion to non-existent and ineffective plans for withdrawal. Many of the whining Generals were stating that the Powell Doctrine should have been followed for an effective invasion, but the fact remains, that was then and this is now. This is the time that needs to be addressed, not the past or the why or the who did what., but, where do we go from here.


Wild Bill said...

We sit back and watch while D.C. negotiates and compromises and we ultimately end up like Israel !! Bein picked apart one piece at a time..

The Voters have given the (D)s the power to organize just how we will "go peacefuly into that goodnight" !!

The Old Ranter said...

That is exactly what will happen. Bush is now afraid and making nice to the house and senate and we sent those men and women over these for nothing. Not a damn thing. We accomplished nothing.

When the Dems are in control of it all and all hell breaks lose from another attack we will see what they have to say then.