Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Media loves a looney

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

Ah, the real world, good old America, land of opportunities and good old home values. That was then, this is now, now I read the headlines and do I see the leaked contents of the meeting on Iraq? Do I see someone’s witty banter about world peace, or even peace within this world? Nope, not here, only people talking about Britney Spears showing her, uh, how do I say this? Well, read the article.

Ok folks, we are all men and women and yes, we are all supposed to be smart, prudent, take care of ourselves, our lives and well, I really do not think bearing it in the land down under just to score some press points like her pal Paris is really anywhere within this equation..

It is a very sad day when the teenage population, her ex-peers and the ones she really still wants to be with are pouring their hearts out to her begging her to wear underwear! This is the MALES and the FEMALES! See, one thing Ms. “I_want_to_be_like_Paris_Hilton_and_get_all_the_media” forgot was she is a Mommy now and even teenage boys have a problem with that. Well, they overlook it and scream because the girls are all doing it, but they are complaining, even if for the wrong reasons.

As I often have said, the world is going insane.

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