Monday, November 20, 2006

OJ..Oh My!

The Ranter
The Views of The Ranter

Let me get this straight, OJ whacks his wife and her friend, hires the absolute dream team in legal maneuvering and gets a not guilty verdict which stunned the entire country. After the reading of the verdict, he commented that he would spend the rest of his time trying to find the murderer. Not too difficult of a task, all he had to do was look in the mirror.

Now he thumbs his nose at the entire world that years ago were totally blown away by the verdict, writes a book with a “what if” scenario and thinks no one will feel just a little bit strange, odd, upset or anything of that nature.

This whole thing becomes stranger everyday and is standing on the precipice of the Twilight zone as we speak and I even hate to think what may be next for him.

His television special, wow, that in itself just makes me sick, titled, “If I Did it” was to be broadcast and now, thank whatever stars that monitor this trash has been canceled.

What have we learned from the total travesty of justice, which took the country by surprise? We have learned that the famed L.A. Police Department still needs quite a bit of training in forensics, evidence collection and other standard case investigation. We have also learned that their prosecutor’s office needs to either go back to school or call in the big guns when faced with the dream team put together for that trial.

Prosecutors normally do not go up against the caliber and pedigree of legal eagles that they did during that fateful trial, mistakes were made and their opposition jumped on every opportunity presented to them, to be more precisely, handed to them on a silver platter. So the question remains, what does a normal, run of the mill prosecutors office due when faced with what was against them in court? Perhaps doing better homework, case preparation, witness preparation, who knows, any legal team would have felt faint facing what they did during that trial.

This whole thing makes me sick and coupled with his book I think I need a very large barf bag. The one thing this entire new media proves is he needs money, because he did prove that money could buy a not guilty verdict.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I need a very large barf bag.

You truly are from my generation, too funny. laughed so hard.

He is a sleezebag of the lowest caliber. And yes, it is beyond comprehension what will come next.